Practice-proven Practices

  • Statt ein Buch zu schreiben, hatte ich 2013-2014 einen Blog als agile Lösung gewählt.

    Damit konnte ich gut reflektieren und zügig mit Peers in der ganzen Welt teilen.

    Zum Spass auf Englisch.

  • Daraus sind etwa 25 Beiträge entstanden: Praktiken, die in der Innovations-Praxis wirklich funktionieren. Teils mit Downloads von einfachen “Tools” oder mit Kurz-Videos.

    Diese Beiträge nutzen wir immer wieder gezielt in Kundenprojekten.

    *Mehr zur Entstehung dieser Beiträge (statt Buch) findest du hier (unter Specials).

15 Meanings. Who are You?
Lars Diener-Kimmich Lars Diener-Kimmich

15 Meanings. Who are You?

The deepest possible way to bond with another human being is through meanings you share and both cherish.

In their book “Making Meaning. How Successful Businesses Deliver Meaningful Customer Experiences” Nathan Shedroff and his co-authors argue that a company with its brand should aspire to resonate with meanings that are dear to their customers.

They base on research that shows that among the different cultures on our planet there are 15 meanings, that universally apply to all of us. Nice, isn’t it?

Creative Reframing. Dr. House at your Bed.
Lars Diener-Kimmich Lars Diener-Kimmich

Creative Reframing. Dr. House at your Bed.

Stop before you go about solving a problem! You're missing a great chance to disrupt, think out-of-the-box, re-invent business.

As an engineer, and I would say also as a manager, we are trained and take great pride in being very fast at assessing a problem and then properly applying a (known!) solution to the problem. In some cases this is exactly the right thing to do.

Design Thinking goes through cycles of divergent thinking to create solutions – and convergent thinking to make solutions. Here’s how to diverge.

Visualization and Storytelling. A Pig does the Trick.
Lars Diener-Kimmich Lars Diener-Kimmich

Visualization and Storytelling. A Pig does the Trick.

No one has a benefit from bulletpoint-loaded slides. Neither you as a presenter or speaker, nor your audience.

Go back a couple of thousand years, to the time before paper (and Powerpoint). Caveman. Fire. Families, a tribe sitting around a fire, shadows cast to the wall, simple drawings, while elders tell stories of the past, pass on their knowledge.

That’s as far back as Storytelling goes. Use it in a business context!

Agile@Home. Sticky in the Kitchen.
Lars Diener-Kimmich Lars Diener-Kimmich

Agile@Home. Sticky in the Kitchen.

My blog aims to be work-related. But using my time effectively is dear to me in my private life, just as well.

So let’s revisit Agile Backlog Management to make it work at home, most likely in your kitchen, as it often is the “command post” in a household.

Experience the Customer. Lions don’t learn to hunt in the Zoo.
Lars Diener-Kimmich Lars Diener-Kimmich

Experience the Customer. Lions don’t learn to hunt in the Zoo.

Years back, I recall meetings with colleagues from Product Marketing (A), Business Intelligence (B), Managers (C), etc. where discussions went like this: A: “I believe we should offer an option X.” – B: “I believe this is especially attractive in the youth segment.” – C: “I believe especially young men will like this.” etc. None of them knew, they believed. I was one of them, as well.

The Amtrak Acela Customer Experience. Hair on my Seat.
Lars Diener-Kimmich Lars Diener-Kimmich

The Amtrak Acela Customer Experience. Hair on my Seat.

As we go about our days we connect – without thinking much – single interactions to whole experiences; Sometimes we realize where things are disconnected, where brand promises are not delivered consistently across all touch points.

As soon as we enter our office something amazing happens …

Experience has Economic Value. Bubble Gum.
Lars Diener-Kimmich Lars Diener-Kimmich

Experience has Economic Value. Bubble Gum.

You will likely have come across the term “Experience Economy” by now, as well. We (at Swisscom) – and I am one of the particularily fond ones – have been on that journey for a couple of years. What an experience it’s been so far!
